Tradition toys with his hands for a new year's holiday has a long history. Long before we were born, family members, including children, gathered at one table, crafted jewels and toys for a new year's Christmas and friends.
Gradually, this tradition has been driven by bright and accessible toys of mass production, but now it has begun to return to our daily lives. By bringing together toys for a new year 2016 with their hands, senior family members share their experiences and knowledge with young people.
To make beautiful and decent souvenirs, toys, jewellery and gifts by New Year, no big investment will be required. Loose and ribbons, colored paper, buttons, buttons and bisers, stitches and stomachs, potatoes and nuts. It'll be fun for old people and kids.
Eating from the cheeks
There have been no questions in the past about how to make jewelry for a new year's holiday and from which materials. Everyone knew the food toys could and should be edible. Confets, baking, a variety of sweets, golden nuts, exotic fruits, marcipanic and chocolate chips became jewellery. They weren't just screaming, they turned into a beautiful paper or a folgu, they were decorated with ribbons, beads and bunks.
Eating toys
Nowadays, glass and plastic tree toys are more common, but there's nothing more to do than edible jewels on their own. Besides, this kind of retro-boat is gonna look very original, compared to the decorated standard toys.
Nice tree
Such toys will require:
- Colour folga;
- Papierce paper;
- A transparent food cello;
- ribbons, shoelaces, tesemps;
- Beautiful beads;
- nuts, chocolate candy, cookies, cupcakes, candy, martipagne.
Little tree surprises
Such toys are made quite simply: we need to cut squares of paper, folgs and pulp, set up a squared treat and put them together with a beautiful " knot " . To tie knots with a belt or a ribbon, to tie and make a hinge out of it. For free ends, wear beautiful beads. All right, you can put your lance on the tree.
How to sew.
Flexible bear
Doing soft toys with your hands isn't as hard as it looks. At this time, regular and internet stores can easily buy what is needed to create toys. And it's cheap. There's also an artificial fur and a diverse filler, and socks, eyes, eyelashes, tongues and other things that are necessary for bears, buns and cats.