Elephant Toys With Their Hands


The Japanese cripple of Origans is a special symbol of hope, peace and faith in a better life. This figure can be regarded as one of the classic arts of Origans, but at the same time, it's very simple, so you're gonna have to try to put a bug with your hands.

The collection of Origa-tech pieces is a beautiful development for both hands and mind and fantasy. Especially just the bird's origans. Try to make small pieces of pigeons with children, which are symbols of peace and well-being.

The head symbolizes peace and happiness. The paper pigeon will be a decoration of any holiday: Valentine's wedding or day, 9 or 1 May.

Who doesn't like to run a snake? Now imagine how much excitement he'll give the baby the snakes he'll keep at home with his own hands. You'll have to try to make a deal like this, because a flying air snake is so beautiful!

A lot of interesting things can be done with your hands, for example, fun and funny things will grow: glue the soft applixes, collect the irigs or paper models on the templates, make the designs from the modules and other articles.

The origami can be simple, but it is much more interesting to make figures in modular origa technology that can create many beautiful, interesting and original products, such as fair and mythic creatures such as dragons.

The biggest set of blueberry schematics, templates and trafares for paper cuts.

A lot of interesting and original things can be made of paper. For example, there is a large number of variants for the manufacture of which there are many different variations: appendixes, papiermache, Quilling, paperwork and origa, and many others.

How to make a clown. with your hands on paper.: Origans, paper plate, tennis ball.

Guofred paper is a wonderful piece of creativity. It can produce not only realistic flowers but also other interesting things. We just need a little effort and fantasy.

Victory is a special holiday. On this day, we must remember the great stance of veterans and congratulate them. The best gift is a hand-made deal. Let the creation of thematic gifts become a tradition in your family.

Day 1 May no longer gathers demonstrations and parades. But today with your children, you can together produce a variety of things that symbolize spring, peace, good and beauty, because any tradition can change and the meaning of the holiday remains. ♪ ♪

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