Male Paintings For Mischief

From hobby to family business, we're developing a purchase technique

Art for the Poor, modern fashion hobby, the way to reinvigorate the expensive hearts of old things, all of it is misery. The occupation coming from a medieval Europe can attract all family members. Let us explore the simplest technologies and find out what the alphabet decoration might be useful.

We're in the process.

The " alphabet decoration " is often said to be decoupling because the equipment is based on gluing to the surface of pieces of napkin, paper, mugs, which then covers several layers of lac, creating an effect of the drawing. As a result, skilled masters have practical works of art with your hands.

In the sixteenth to fifteenth centuries in Europe, this technique was called " art for the poor " . Those who could not afford to acquire the fancy furniture of Chinese production at that time with thinly fictional drawings had themselves created forgerys, placing different pictures on ordinary interior items.

So, for the start of the occupation, we're gonna need an object of decoration, glue (together special or ordinary PVA), braces, acrylic paints, lacques (together more and more for different purposes) and glued-up paintings - decorative napkins or maps, any images on paper, newspapers and magazines.

The subject that is planned to be decorated should first be cleaned to prevent the fall of dirt and dust under the layer of lac. It may be necessary to walk on the surface of the navigable paper " nil " . If the picture has a background, it's time to cover the object with paint. Now we cut the pictures that will steal our object of the interior, and we're about to pretend like they're lying, we're choosing a reciprocal location, moving fragments around each other. Once the glue is applied, it will be impossible to do so, so fantasy can only be at the earliest stages.

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