Smelling jacket
A cute little matchboard for a baby with a smell, made from a cotton buckle of medium thickness. The back and shelves of the jacket shall be schematic with roses and a separate sleeve shall be provided in the description. In the course of tying the shelves, there shall be cuts at the edge of the diagonal inclination. The catfish description is calculated for children between 3 months and 2 years. As a gift to the cat, you can tie a charming baby bear.
Liquidation description:
3 - 6 (6 - 9, 9 - 12, 12 - 18, 18-24) Mess.
Breast coverage: 22 (24, 27, 30, 33) cm
Sleeve length: 13 (14, 16, 18, 21) cm
Debbie Bliss Eco Baby (100% cotton, 50 g/125 m) 3(3:4:5) white, 1 pink, red and green, round 2.75 mm and 3.25mm
Boundary density:
25 hinges and 34 rows = 10x10 cm of straw on matches 3.25 mm
Speaker jacket description:
The back of the jacket shall be aligned with diagram 1, starting with the 1st row, for the blade of the blade, starting from the 19th row.
On the matches 2.75 mm, dial a white thread 66(72:78:84:90) and tie three rows of specimen, go to larger matches and continue to chain 1: 1(4:7:10:13) in front of therapport, 4 times therapport, 1(4:7:10:13) in the wake of therapport. Execution from p.m. to the drawing and continue to impose 36 (40:46:52:58) rows. At the beginning. 2nd rows for the sleeves to close 4 p. = 58(64:70:76:82) bracketed 32 (36:40:44:48) of a row. For shoulder spices, close the trail at the beginning. 4 rows 5(6:79) p., then 4 p. at the beginning. Two rows. Move the remaining 30(32:34:36:38) to the Speed Dop.