This article will be presented to a master of the class to create an excellent decoration, such as bonsai, with his hands from the biser. One of the oldest occupations and manuscripts is connected in this transaction.
The history of the bisera begins in a very far past, and the Egyptian Faraoes have stolen their clothes from glass buds, their predecessors. Long before the Christmas of Christ, the nomadic Skifa and Sarmat tribes used a bicellar to strip the clothes and shoes, and in Latvia the scientists found in the graves the head jewels decorated by the Bicer dated IX-XII Vv.
At least ancient is Bonesai history, which translates into a " dish tree " . The first mention of this art falls within the eighth century. The original plants were planted in nature and slide into the throats. Bonsai's art has been transformed for centuries, and several directions have emerged.
As beautiful as a real tiny tree in the pot, its life expectancy is limited. To create the same admirable, miniature and, at the same time, a long and unnecessarily bonsai can come from a biser. It's gonna be a great part of a decor or an original and memorable gift.
It's not hard to make a tree, it's just patience. It will require:
- 80 g biseras of different colours of green (interfer)
- Vacancy wire (0, 35 mm, 1 mm, 3 mm);
- Prospect glue;
- Alebastr;
- Strengths;
- Sound;
- Acrylic paint ( brown and bronze);
- Various elements of the decor (carcases and others).
Cut 45 cm of wire 0, 35 mm in diameter. Lower the 7-8 basser and double the wire, making the beaver downtown. Do seven more of these, wearing a basser in turn at the end of the wire and making two turns.
Screw the wires so that the belt comes out of the hinge. The required length of the wire is 10 cm, the rest can be cut off. We need to make 150 of these.