
Blooming of flower pots: new life of old things

декупаж горшковMany of us want the world to be bright and saturated, interesting and beautiful. That is why we surround ourselves with things that give us not only comfort but also aesthetic pleasure. As a rule, their acquisition involves shopping, shopping centres or markets. But beauty can and can be created with your hands.♪ There are so many decisions. This could be all possible elements of decor, completely different in complexity and creativity. The lightest and most accessible way to steal a dwelling or an office space can be considered to be the decoupling of flower pots.

The word " decoupling " in the exact translation from French means " cut " . And the decoupling technique provides for the decoration of any surface of paint paintings, interesting reasons cut out of paper.

A new life will give the old mountains redemption.

своими рукамиWhite or brown capacity for room plants tends to be rather unattractive, and all possible decorated options are expensive. As an option, ordinary mountains can be painted by making them original and unbelievable.

The manual work is highly valued abroad.

The depurchase technique itself is not too difficult, especially for those who have repeatedly created new designs for frames, different bottles or plates. Blooming a flower pot with napkins looks great on both the plate and the clay or the stone. Techniques will be similar for all types of receptacles, but there are characteristics.

It's gonna be very easy on this material to make your exquisite design.

Patchwork is often used

пєчворкThe following materials will be required for work:

  • Scissors;
  • Multi-layer napkins, already painted;
  • transparent acrylic lac;
  • A wide soft whistle;
  • Acrylic paints.

Initially, the peas should be painted in another colour, because the unspectful brown background looks completely immune. It's possible to pick a whole bunch of acrylic paint. It's advisable to connect your fantasy immediately. For example, the dorm and the bottom can be painted in one colour, and the majority of the pot is in another. As soon as the paint is well dry, you can make it directly red.

A step-by-step guidance will help a starting-man.

The napkins should be carefully separated, the lower layers should be removed from the top. Further work will require only the upper layer. It is then necessary to cut off the plugs that will be used to decorate the pots. The elements obtained are gradually being clutched at each other and placed in the right position with a laced stack. The liquid in question is securely fixing parts of the napkin on the surface.

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