Arrangement Of A Beaver Blade

70 schematics for a 9-10 bicerie

Compilation of various schemes

We're continuing to review the chains for tying the hooks, bracelet burns and everything. There's always a lot on the Internet that can find beautiful diagrams, but usually if it's urgent, there's no need for a schematic! That was why it was decided to streamline and group all of these huge schemes into the joy of the handholders. Now, to tie the burnt, it's easier for you to choose the right look!

The huge choice of a beaver for arson can be purchased at our store:

We'll have 11 to 12 biserines in our next set. Watch the publications. Thank you so much for all those who made these schemes, who have the talent. No signature and no diagram has been altered, everything's kept as it was found on the Internet.

70 schemes:

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