Like A Bracelet Basser

Class Master: bracelets from biser

красивые браслеты +из бисераWhat do you have to do with a bracelet bracelet? Happy culture? With school times and phenals? Meanwhile, the biser jewels are back on track. A little bit of taste, and you can pick up a fine battoir of practically any kind of image.

We're suggesting that you create a " thing " that will be perfect for both colour gamma and style. Simple bracelets from the biser will be able to create practically every beginner.


  • Biser (most Japanese or Czech) - 10 Gre
  • Large tone beads - 50gre
  • Capproxial thread in the tone of Busin and Biser, you can take special bicellets - 1 ute.
  • The lock carabine with the ring.

Busines and basser can be found in one colour gamma, but we can play in colour and de facto contrasts, for example, take borde transparent buffins and a matte bice. Experiment with shape: the basser can be rectangular (so-called " cut " ) and the bushes can be ovary or even fantasy (lemworth). The beautiful bracelets from the biser are produced only when you originally designed the flower gamma and didn't buy into the materials.


  • White tissue.
  • Large desk lamp
  • Igols No. 12 for biserpentry (if the biser is small, take No. 15) - 2nd.браслеты из бисера для начинающих By the way, the needles in the process of work are comfortable either in the tissue on the table or in the sponge.
  • Manicure scissors
  • A lighter.

Like a bracelet from a biser

Prepare the work place first. Put the lamp on your right to keep your eyes open when you work. Little tricky, put the table in front of you with a piece of light, better soft.плетение браслетов +из бисера Send a little biser and a bush on her, easy to get them out of the bag with a tea spoon. Birger bracelets - A creative process, but it's important that you not be distracted by domestic inconvenience, so we pay so much attention to special receptions who use professional skills.

Cut the long slice, 2-3 m. Put it in the needle. Double the needle in the middle of the thread. Both ends of the string together and put it in the second needle. If they're shaking, just cut them with scissors.

Simple bracelets from the bisera can be swallowed in a pattern you'll see below. For any needle, put on a big bush.

Then on both needles, put on the bicellen, the bush and the bicellon again.

On different sides, we put the thread in the coupling. We got our first bracelet. Follow the same pattern, repeat paragraph 4.

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