Hendmeid Deco

Keramlass: Keramic, Decor, Hendmeid

“Expert opinion” - Kovaleva Valentine Dmitrievna, Director of the Keram Glass OO:

Many ceramics working with the chassis of SM-2P (fraction to 1mm), while estimating the universality of this material, are looking for a more smooth product defect.

For this purpose, a new Ceramic mass of SM-6P is recommended.

The mass of the ceramic ECOBODY SM-6P, TUU 14.2-32359731-001:2006 is a mixture of small-scale champot powder with thin-coholic fiber and floating flame retardant, designed for the manufacture of light-containing pieces of decorative-human use both internally and externally used (plant and facade). It is presented as a plastic vacuum mass in bruises.

The product has a stable quality, good shape properties, little sensible to the drying, perfect for speeding, both gas and electrical kilns.

SM-6P contains a champot of a smaller fraction (up to 0, 5mm) and the champ powder content is slightly lower (30 per cent). The mass shall be inspected at a temperature of 1150-1200 g.S., the water absorption of the burnt sample shall not exceed 3.5%.

This mass has been successfully used for building facades in St. Petersburg.

We recommend that we try our new product!

Other experts ' views are read in the discussion section on " EXPERT VIEW "

== sync, corrected by elderman ==
# Memorial #kermic #

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