Beaded Crafts

Birthday Deals

When and where was the first time you started making bisera deals? The brushing was considered not only a pleasant time, but also a way to express thoughts and feelings…

Simple Bisera Deals

Biser is a universal material that provides unlimited opportunities for decorative-targeted creativity. History of the origin and spread of the biser. The popularity…

Beaker For Children

Slavic s crafts centre is offering to take your children to the holidays and invites you and your kids to the craftsmanships to make a new year s bisera deal, which…

Liquid Bisera

Have you ever tried to make a biser deal with your hands? I think that in school, many of you have learned to do simple workouts from a biser. It was probably flat…

Beager Transactions

The sea mini penny in the frame. For an order, to write a personal message. Sweet ladies! Good day! I offer your attention to the decoration from the biser and I…

Large Biser Deals

Deals from the bisera are bright vassilles and white-snowledged rums coming from the bisera can be plunged into a vase, and can form an original window for the interior…

Beather Deals For Starting Flowers

Even if you ve never done any kind of manoeuvre, you might need a spider. There s a biserpent for the most starters. All kinds, ranging from simple stitching and…

Flushing Out Of Biser For Starters

If you want to find a fascinating hobby for yourself, we advise you to draw attention to the bracelet. This type of hobby is not particularly complex and does not…

How To Make A Biser Deal

As they say, beauty will not ruin anything, but especially when that beauty you can do with your hands. We d like to draw your attention to today s marshmallow technician…

Bachelor ' S Braces

The bracelet s eyes look simple, but look how bright and summer he is. Such a bracelet would come to many things and create a great mood. With the help of this class…

Which Transactions Can Be Made From A Biser

And you knew that the basser was considered a unique material from which you could create completely different deals. Indeed, even the most unbelievable thing is…

Biser Deals

This article will be presented to a master of the class to create an excellent decoration, such as bonsai, with his hands from the biser. One of the oldest occupations…

Non-Complicated Bisera

Pashi s reunion is all Christians waiting for this day with special training. Easter s most brightest and pure holiday is celebrated by Catholics and Orthodoxes…

Watch The Biser Deals

From glass or metal, the color of rainbows, the matt or perlamutum, cylindrical shape or the granular, whichever is the basser! It s no wonder how beautiful things…

Beather Deals For Start-Up Videos

Biser is ancient material. It s become like a manuscript like a biserpent, also has a long history. The first inhabitants of ancient Egypt have learned to steal…