Simple Bisera Deals


Bear - A universal material that provides unlimited opportunities for decorative-targeting creativity. History of the origin and spread of the biser. The popularity of the biserpent today is huge, so in this section we have sought to take into account the interests of a multi-age audience. Here, you will find sophisticated articles (whether, jewelry) that require certain skills and skills, and simple child-bearings (biser figs, flower bouquets, pannos and gift gift gifts).

Perhaps our section is not being filled very quickly, because our main work is the publication of a specialized, complete magazine called Xusha. For amateurs of manoeuvres." That's where the experienced and start-up handlers will always find something interesting for their creativity. A big paper, for experienced handholders, for those who love and know how to make beauty and eat in their home. The starting handholder is a little "Kusha" magazine. Good hands." Each issue has many interesting issues. bisera: simple and slightly more complicated, in different equipment, with detailed descriptions, red and understandable schemes. As well, detailed lessons are always available on the techniques used.

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